Monday, September 8, 2008

Financial Update

as on 8th September 2008 (2226 hrs)

1. Cash Collection:...................................... Rs. 6,45,607.00
2. Collection in Kind:.................................. Rs. 42,00,000.00
3. University Contribution received:............ Rs. 90,000.00
3. University Contribution assured:............. Rs. 6,35,000.00


Anonymous said...

Great , Keep it up.All the Best.

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work..dont let yourself down by anything or anybody..just do the right thing

Anonymous said...

Dear all,

great work...
In times like these one wish that one would have been there with you all... Saw you all working in the committee room the other day... We are proud of you all... Please do let us know in case of any help required at any front... At least people like me who are around can drop in anytime...
keep us updated...

Abhay Kumar Singh said...

Hello folks it is really a nice begining. Indeed a Commendable job. Which is highly laudable as a person who react to such adversity at the hour is the one who stands to the pledge which we take in our Department kudos to you do keep us posted and let us know if I could be of any help..